the writer

-name: Adrea
-age: timeless
-gender: a lone girl on a blank page
-interests: reading, creative writing, imagining, mathematics (calc especially), and living this dream you call my life.

the witty wordsters

-araglas's blog
-sharky's blog
-ewaak's blog
-archaelin's blog

the dusty libraries

-Twilight Bites
-the fics
-some fun fics

the procrastination records

-questionable content

Layout by: ...araglas

the past scribbles

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
October 2007
December 2008

May 26, 2005
Sweet Casa

We're leaving! Tomorrow I will be back in SF, aw! I'll miss everyone - as an only child I'll have no one to hang out with next door. But saddest of all, we won't see our prefects again! I'm so sad, I really loved them. Here's a poem I wrote for them.

Sweet Casa
Sweet Casa, home of my heart
Or at least for the year past.
You have housed my sisters, my friends and my role models
And still your walls now are bare.
Did you laugh with us in the double rooms
As we gossiped and giggled galore?
Did you cry with us as we burst into tears,
Out of stress or pressure or fear?
Did you shout with us as we ran down the halls,
Knowing our roommates were sleeping?
Were you held, as we were, in warm loving arms
By sisters we gained for a year?
Did you too seek their council in PJs and slippers
When faced with a dilemma or two?
And did you love them as much as we did
With all our hearts and minds?
Kay's -Eggbert- antics to bring us 'round the fire,
Hazel's gentle smile and personal bubble,
Annie's hat and resonating laugh,
Chandler's warm and safe embrace,
Kaitlin's voice that echoes through our hearts,
JoJo's sweet kindness and grace.
Will you miss them as much as we?
I do not think anyone could.

Adraea signed the page at 2:27 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

May 05, 2005

Don't mind me, just passing through,
and you can't see the tear stains on my face
nor the blood dripping freely from my wrists and
the world is running from me but I've
been walking backwards and all I can do
is scream as you shred my heart to rainbow ribbons
laughing in that bubbling,
brewing way you do and I
am dead on the grass and everything's
turning red and it's all I can do
not to slip on the rain that fell from my eyes and
I just need to find an outlet but everyone I try
has been plucked away by weary hands rough
from knife you plunged into my back and you
just never knew
and still don't know what you do to me
as my last lamp sizzle into darkness.

Adraea signed the page at 7:34 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

It's all so pointless for girls
to pull at their chemical-drenched hair
and squeeze their hips into tight tight jeans
and cover their faces with oils and powders
and starve themselves
and smile so wide it hurts
just to be noticed by someone who doesn't care,
doesn't look,
doesn't want it.
And so what if
I don't have a date and it's not
the end of the world if I
walk into a room alone
and can't I be me for once
and shouldn't everyone love me for me?
But it's a walking contradiction
that can never be fixed because
who cares who I am?
Obviously I'm no one because I am only
one heart
and one mind
that is questioning the world
and trying to find individuality
in the newest teen magazine.

Adraea signed the page at 11:53 AM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~