the writer

-name: Adrea
-age: timeless
-gender: a lone girl on a blank page
-interests: reading, creative writing, imagining, mathematics (calc especially), and living this dream you call my life.

the witty wordsters

-araglas's blog
-sharky's blog
-ewaak's blog
-archaelin's blog

the dusty libraries

-Twilight Bites
-the fics
-some fun fics

the procrastination records

-questionable content

Layout by: ...araglas

the past scribbles

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
October 2007
December 2008

March 31, 2005

well, we rode again today, it was fun. Sharky's re-visit was there, and she'll be hosting her tonight. TOMORROW IS APRIL FOOLS!!! we're planning a cool prank - I can't wait to see if it works!

Adraea signed the page at 5:46 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

March 30, 2005
New Skin!

Everyone must bow down to the almightly Betsy for making this skin and the alknowing Sharky for showing me how to use it! *Bows extra low* Thankies!

All this week I've been waiting for my revisitee, only to find that I don't have one. I'd gotten all excited to show someone around my second home, but apparently not happening this Thursday. Maybe my French teacher was just mistaken (she's also in the admissions office), but she'd told me to expect someone.... Ah well, can't have everything.

Still grinning about new skin

Adraea signed the page at 6:55 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

Today we had the first offical gymkhana seeing as our last one was limited due to the weather. I was finally able to lope most of the race. Yay for me! See, I have already fallen off three times here (along with the six other times elsewhere) and once had to go to the E.R. in an amulence. After that I got too nervous to lope my horse properly, and have now dug myself into a rather large pit. So while everyone else is galloping the race, I'm trying to fast-trot it....not the best for my team. I really don't want to let them down (ORANGE PRIDE!!!) so I've been pushing myself lately. Joy.

I've been thinking about Daemon lately (tomorrow it will probably be back to Damien....). I love him! Now I've got a basic idea of what he would look like. And the time would be when there were still kings and such....

Daemon: 6'2, 17 years old, black hair to shoulders (tied with a leather strip), lightly tanned, slender build, gray eyes, likes to wear black, usually silent and observant, a good swordsman, alright with a bow, very good with a knife and street fighting.

Adraea signed the page at 5:08 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

March 28, 2005

here's a little poem that I sent in to the lit. folder at my school. Not good, but oh well....

"We can't wait to see you!"
her voice washes over me like that
beautiful sea I miss so much
as my blue beat-up
cell phone crackles in my ear.
All I can do is smile -
Smile to hid the big fat tears that are rolling down my
red red face that she always scolded me about
'cause I never put on sunscreen.
And I can't see their faces clearly
lost that picture somewhere on my
last trail ride when I fell
and all I had wanted was a mother's embrace.

Adraea signed the page at 7:19 AM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

March 27, 2005

Well, today I went to my first Church service ever. It was a tad boring, but it was interesting to hear the part where they announced their unlasting faith to the lord (not quite sure what to call that). For an outsider, it seemed very single-minded to me, until I realized that I've done that to different things than faith. Huh, that would make a perfect book idea.....

Anyways, now I am enjoying large amounts of yummy chocolate (my mom would kill me if she found out....), and sitting in my friends huge, spacious, beautiful house. I have got to remember to write a thank-you note - not very good at that.

Now, on to the lit Well, there is one character that I've been working on.

His name is either Damien or Daemon (if it is Daemon, than it has the meaning of "demon", because of odd birth circumstances). He is the bastard son of a king whose lands are almost constantly covered in snow and known for their coldness. Because his mother 'disappeared' after his birth, he was allowed to live in the castle where he takes the last name of Snow, which is the generic last name of the lands (either Auzuren, Nevren or Brikenle). His lives in shadows, and watches as his half-siblings are treated as princesses and princes while he is kicked and taunted.

The half-siblings are:
Wylem (Wyl) - 18, heir to the throne, a fighter
Aurlyn - 16, princess, extremely proper and dainty
Cersa - 13, princess, twin, curious and observant
Cendrik - 13, prince, twin, shy, a musician
Luc - 5, prince, outgoing
Kory - infant, prince

D's few friends are:
Rafael (Rafe) - 17, stable-boy and blacksmith apprentice, one of D's few friends
Syra - 12, his little sister, has a crush on D
Johan - 16, swordmaster's son, loud and quick to fight
Nasha - 22, barmaid, tough but loyal
Ghost - young moonwolf*, D's firstmost companion
Kaera - 19, D's halfsister on his mother's side, Woodwarrior

*the moonwolves are my creation. They were man's best friend in the olden times, but were hunted because of their powers and furs. Their powers are measured by the color of their fur and named for the stages of the moon. Quater-moonwolves and half-moonwolves are most common, the closest to a full moon they are, the more white their coat is and the more power they have. Ghost is unusual as he is an almost-full-moonwolf.

Adraea signed the page at 2:00 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

March 24, 2005
Autumn Parting

this one was from a poetry workshop - the theme was imagery...

Autumn Parting
The emerald leaf dives to the dusty ground,
Gusts of cool air carry it farther
To a pile of crackled predecessors long rested in
Brown craters and tan twigs.
And the fair sun highlights the glowing jasper veins
that slowly cease to carry life
As amber foliage whispers a goodbye.

Adraea signed the page at 11:39 AM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

Well, we've had spring break and are back in the saddle, so to speak. Here's a poem I came up with....

You watch in envy as the little bug attacks everyone around you,
And suddenly they have their heads bent over a word-covered page,
A piano, a basketball, a half-made scarf.
You wait anxiously, shifting side to side,
Screaming silently for that little pest to bite you,
To infect you too with this blazing fury.
All you need is a purpose, a reason, a motivation
to start you off - you'll do the rest.
It's just the pail of cold water you need to get yourself out of your
Oh so warm bed.
And this is how you've lived your miserable life,
Waiting for inspiration to strike.....
But it's waiting for you,
And all you have to do is relax to receive this little bug.

Adraea signed the page at 11:37 AM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~