the writer

-name: Adrea
-age: timeless
-gender: a lone girl on a blank page
-interests: reading, creative writing, imagining, mathematics (calc especially), and living this dream you call my life.

the witty wordsters

-araglas's blog
-sharky's blog
-ewaak's blog
-archaelin's blog

the dusty libraries

-Twilight Bites
-the fics
-some fun fics

the procrastination records

-questionable content

Layout by: ...araglas

the past scribbles

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
October 2007
December 2008

February 15, 2006
One moment

Just for one moment
cheek to cheek
soul to soul
I am you and you, me
We, that strange, wond'rous word
unite to face the world
Together, intertwined,
crushed boneless and healed back as one
being of
Just for one moment -
but it is enough.

Adraea signed the page at 9:05 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

February 11, 2006
Red ribbons

Red floats everywhere I turn
Blooming, bursting, splattering
Crimson and scarlet flitting about
Can't catch 'em, can't handle 'em
They've enveloped my entire being
Filling me, swirling red
No heart for this little girl
only black ribbons the color of
that stops swarming horror at

Adraea signed the page at 10:06 PM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~

February 04, 2006
If only

If only the world was world was square
and the stars flit about in green streams
and fish shone in the purple sky
and red flames wafted in the technicolor breeze
and blades of gray crackled merrily
and we had no worries
no cares
no needs
no boundaries
but our sky is blue
and the grass is green
and this world is too round
and the wind whispers too softly
so I don't whisper back.

Adraea signed the page at 9:50 AM

~*~*~*~ the amethyst has risen ~*~*~*~